Tim Mannveille


If you are looking for information about Tim Mannveille, you have come to the right place!

First, things by me that you might be interested in:





Impossibly, headlines tell us men have more heterosexual partners than women. What's going on?

An edit of Mark Kermode's Iron Man impressions - cited by the man himself on the radio!
A contraption for making tea
A demonstration of strategy in a puzzle game
Making Renoir's Luncheon of the Boating Party pirate-themed
Celebrations chocolates are not randomly distributed. Why?

Below, you can find links to my various presences on the internet, in declining order of how likely I estimate they are to be of interest to you:

Blog: "Tim's Blog", where I blog about things in general. Updated a few times a year
Twitter: I'm on Twitter. I use it to highlight what I consider to be the most interesting things I've put up on the herd of sites listed below. ~1-3 updates / month!
LinkedIn: I'm on LinkedIn. Fact.
Blog: "Tower of the Octopus", in which I write up Octopus Fruitbat games (like Competitive Sandwich Making) or analyse trivial things for fun (like the distribution of different chocolates in Celebrations tubs). Big posts, updated a few times a year.
Blog: "Nothing About Potatoes", where I highlight interesting things I found on the internet. New posts on Fridays when I have time, about once a month.

No longer active things:
Game Making: Clare Huxley and I design and run pervasive/party/board games. This is the home page for Octopus Fruitbat, the company we created to do that.
Webcomic: After six years of uploading a page a week, this is now complete. It's a sci-fi body-swap videogame crossover comedy investigating gender and identity by swapping the iconic protagonists of two of my favourite video games, Space Channel 5 and Devil May Cry.
Tumblr: "Now Draw This", where I post something to draw every weekday, and a reminder to draw something on weekends.
Tumblr: "Sleep or Draw", where I post my drawings in response to 'Now Draw This' challenges. I've mostly stopped doing this though, and just do the drawings.
DeviantART: My DA account, where I showcase things that I've drawn, photographed and/or Photoshopped.
YouTube: My YouTube channel, mostly consisting of film reviews, although the most popular is an edit of the Iron Man Trailer to Mark Kermode's impressions of the characters.
Geocities (!): Old-school Geocities site, started in the late nineties, now moved to my own hosting. Among other things, nosebleed cures and juggling patterns are described.
Webcomic: A prototype webcomic completed in 2003, written and drawn in collaboration with 'Amoki'. Apparently it is quite confusing.

Last updated 8th May 2022